Tuesday 29 May 2012

Kilker IML speech

"Jaun andreok, señoras y señores. There are two words in life, which can move the world and I'd love to encourage you to use them from now on. Those words are thank you.

I'd love to say thank you, first of all, to all my IML brothers and all the organisers of IML. Specially you, Danny, who unfortunately coudn't be here but are part of this.

I feel lucky tonight for being heard. But not all of us have an opportunity. There's lots of people working in the shadows for our community, without expecting anything in return. People that will probably never come on stage. People who's names won't be known, but people that are doing a great favour to all of us.

If you know any of those people, please, show appreciation to each and everyone. Because without them, the fetish community would never exist. From my leather heart, to all of them, thank you.

Finally, remember that even if we are the ones on stage, this is not only about us. This is all about each and every leatherman and woman around the world. And, tonight, like every year, there will be only a clear winner, the leather community, celebrating our passion in unity for another year. So to you, to everyone, congratulations, and thank you."


  1. ederra, benetan!!! milesker, nere!

  2. Spain needs you as president of government.

  3. Thank you Kilker! Great speech. I would have loved to hear it live from you...
